June 7, 2007

Message from FaithfulAmerica.org

Dear HAT:

Here's a chance to make a difference in the fight against global warming. On Thursday, June 7th, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, will testify before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee about our common call to protect God's creation from the damage of global warming. This is the first time that the Senate has asked to hear from the faith community on this issue, and we are asking you to take action. Your legislators need to hear your support for the prophetic voice of our faith leaders. As people of faith and conscience, we are called to be responsible stewards of God's creation and join in the restoration of the world's brokenness. God's beloved earth is being damaged by human-caused global warming, and now is a critical time for us to sow a vision of a more sustainable society and address global warming.

Here are two ways for you to take action:

1) First, pick up the phone! Call your Senators and Representatives and ask them to support legislation that will halt global warming and restore integrity to creation:

Dial 1-888-784-0527 to reach the Capitol switchboard. Ask the operator to connect you to your Senator's/Representative's office to determine your Representatives and Senators. Ask to leave a message for the Senator/Representative. Feel free to use and/or adapt the following script:

My name is ______ and I am calling from Berkeley, CA. I would like to urge Senator/Representative _______ to support legislation that will take bold steps to curb global warming and prevent its harmful effects on the world's most vulnerable people. As a person of faith, I believe that God calls us to protect the integrity of creation, especially when global warming will affect those living in poverty the most. I ask that the Senator/Representative support 15-20% reductions in carbon emissions by 2020 and 80% reductions by 2050, and also support an effective energy bill that will move us toward this goal. Thank you for your time.

2) Second, endorse the Faith Principles on Global Warming by our friends at NCC Eco-justice.

Then send the following link to your clergy and faith community members and ask them to endorse it as well: www.nccecojustice.org/climateprinciples.html

This is a timely opportunity to let your elected officials know that you stand in solidarity with key faith leaders on the issue of global warming (or, as our friend Rabbi Arthur Waskow calls it, global scorching!)

Blessings to you as you speak on behalf of our planet,

Vince Isner,

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