July 6, 2007

Only by a fluke

Last year, we were gifted with a beautiful sky blue hydrangea -- very green, lush, and filled with gorgeous blooms. Over the past year, we were supposed to have planted her back in the ground to bloom once more. Unfortunately, we sadly neglected her and left her out in the shade for months. About 6 months ago, I nursed her back, but we didn't have any space near our teeny apartment unit to plant her so I kept her in the pot. I am more surprised than anything to find that she is now thriving and has displayed this beautiful bloom. In fact, I was just told by a neighbor (with two excellent green thumbs) that this particular shade for the hydrangea is very rare -- special. Thanks to our neglect, and it is mostly by coincidence, that we managed to have soil with the particular kind of pH balance to induce these particular shades. We are benefitting, surely, from neglect and coincidence. But, I write this to say I am in deep awe of the resilience of such plants -- plants that defy our human incompetence, that thrive despite our inhuman neglect -- plants that shame us with their beauty.

Cac ban oi, minh la nguoi dot nat, khong biet gi ve thuc vat hoc (botany) cho nen minh kg biet ten Viet cua cay hydrangea la gi. Co phai la cay tu cau, hoac cay hoa dia khong? Cay tu cau nay that la de thuong, va that la resilient vi no co kha nang de phuc hoi rat nhanh chong. Mac du minh da bo be no khoang 6 thang troi, khong cham soc can than, nhung no van ra la, no hoa. Ngoai ra, no con no hoa ra mot mau that dep -- vua tim, vua xanh duong -- y nhu la mau hoa oai huong (lavender?). That tuyet! Cang dang kham phuc hon la cai suc ton tai cua cay hoa dia. Mac du minh bo quen no 1 thang, 3 thang, hoac 6 thang, no van no hoa, van song. Tu no kiem cach de song, de vuong len tim anh nang. Tu Sang The Ky den bay gio, chung ta la nguoi duoc trao trach nhiem de cham soc cay co, nhung that ra, voi cai tin khong tin cay duoc cua con nguoi, nhung cay la, hoa co, dieu duoc tao nen voi cai self-reliance, voi cai suc de tu bao ton. Minh noi vay co dung kg? Co le khong phai cai nao cung co the "quo dua ca nam" nhung, noi chung la, minh phai cong nhan rang mot cai cay tu cau nho be nhu vay da day cho minh mot bai hoc rat lon.

cay tu cau, cay hoa dia

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