August 6, 2007

rhetoric of one

Ah, trong loi nhan xet cua Bu cho blogpost lan truoc cua minh, Bu da noi dung, va minh dong y. HAT cung da nay ra y nay nua (remembering nhung gi minh da hoc hoi khi con trong college!)...

That ra, khong phai muon post everyday va cung khong muon post ve tat ca moi dieu. The difficulty of being an excellent and effective writer is in discerning which subject is the best subject to tackle. Also difficult is discerning how to approach your chosen topic. Tai vi co nhieu dieu muon chia se, nen khong biet phai viet o blog nao! Minh co rat nhieu blogposts da draft ra, nhung no cu chong chat o do, het ngay nay qua ngay khac, ma khong biet o dau la "best audience" cho nhung y tuong do. Vi that ra, khong phai audience nao cung la thich hop voi nhung gi minh noi. The context of our audiences and our "social location" within each audience requires us to be mindful of what we write for that audience. Our rhetoric changes -- it must -- in order to be effective communicators of our ideas, de tranh khoi bi hieu lam.

Khong phai la minh muon compete voi nhung nguoi writer khac muon viet xuong tat ca y tuong de cho blogosphere doc. Minh cung khong muon compete de xem ai viet thuong xuyen nhat hoac duoc nhieu nguoi doc blog nhat. Doi khi, su bat luc cua ngon ngu khien cho minh phai chu tam hon khi viet mot blog post -- du la tieng Viet hoac tieng Anh. Language chi la signifiers for the signified, dung khong? Khi minh ngoi xuong de viet ra mot blogpost, la mot cach bay to y tuong cua minh, va khi minh viet bang tieng Viet, khong cach nao completely describe nhung ideas -- the essence cua y tuong -- va vi vay, what we are on the screen, on the page, is very incomplete -- nhung thought processes nghe rat "vun(g) ve" (dung chinh ta kg?).

On the other hand, as a writer, I feel compelled to write everyday -- just a little thought here and there. Often, those things are not published to the blogs -- va chi la de cho minh doc va suy gam ma thoi. But here, I enter the realm of discourse about private vs. public spheres, which minh se write about mot ngay khac (da co nhieu ideas lam roi)...

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