September 13, 2007


This morning, my dad got into a car accident. Poor pops. He was stuck between two trucks on 360 during traffic jam, leaving Arlington, and was rammed by a truck. He's ok, not seriously injured, slightly sore. Neck hurts. Chest pains, a bit. Tomorrow will be doctors' visits. They've met w/ the lawyers who will work things out. The itty bitty Hond Civic is totaled. I know he was shaken up a bit, especially since the airbags didn't deploy. But, he was more saddened that the car was destroyed; he said he'll miss it, becuase in driving it to work, he is reminded of my brother (who used to drive it before coming out here). Of course dad would think first of the car. Everything else is insignificant.

I'm stealing this:

"Lord God, our Protector and Provider, we give thanks for the presence of your angels in the midst of our daily lives. Continue to guide us with your grace and love, that we may live to serve you with our utmost. Amen."


Cue said...

Oh, wow... I'm glad he's okay! I'm sending healing thoughts to you and your family.

ashley said...

So glad he's safe. It reminds me of the wreck my parents had that I was certain had badly injured my mother. But she emerged from the car with her broken reading glasses and the first thing she said to me was, "They were my favorites."