May 30, 2008

Germany, Cancun, or Hong Kong?

This summer, while I'm contemplating which city to visit first, Grand Rapids or St. Louis, three of my friends are traveling abroad. Europe, China, or Mexico. Imagine it, will you? Because that is all that I am able to do: imagine what it must be like to travel abroad for vacation (and some business, just to be fair to them).

And then Mendacious is planning and plotting for her trip. I also vaguely remember Duck over in the Pinewoods saying that he and Growler (who's left the Speakeasy ages ago) are out of country, too... is that right? Are they still? Anyone know?

I wish to plot and plan and promise, too... On my list so far:



CHILE!! (Here in Chile, I supposedly can buy Neruda poetry books out of vending machines. Vending machines!! Why do I not live in a country that feeds on poetry as much as coca-cola? I mean, here in the U.S., I have not heard or seen of any vending machines that dispense poetry. Anyone else seen anything similar? See? That is why I wish to go to Cheelay, yay!)

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