June 2, 2008

The best Korean BBQ ever!!

If you've not visited Ohgane Korean BBQ, you must head there immediately. (I realize this is a strange directive to those who are vegetarians, but there are surprisingly very interesting and equally tasty selections for non-meat-lovers.)

A few weeks ago, the eight of us met at Ohgane on Broadway in Oakland. We ordered about 6-7 dishes which completely filled us up. We had tofu soup, dol sat bi bim bop, jab che, beef, chicken, etc.

The restaurant was packed, and the waitstaff utterly overbooked. They were perfectly happy to take our order after a 15 minute wait, and then promptly forgot about us. The smell of Korean BBQ filled the air; by the end of the evening, we were leaking BBQ from our pores and our clothes were quite smoked. We could smell ourselves a block away.

The marinade fit our palates and the food portions suit us exactly right. We did not have enough room to actually BBQ at our tables, but the tight space allowed us to cozy up and hear each other talk in the noisy atmosphere. The kitchen willingly BBQ'ed for us and brought the food out already cooked, which was just as wonderful as doing it ourselves.

I would definitely revisit Ohgane, and recommend you go in large groups for much more fun. Our Korean foodie -- Aeri -- swears this is as close to authentic Korean BBQ as you can get in the Bay area. Few other places beat Ohgane for what it offers in selection and price. So if you're interested in Korean BBQ but want a break from summer BBQing, then head to Ohgane on Broadway. Yum!

Ohgane Korean BBQ
3915 Broadway
Oakland, California 94611
510) 594-8300

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