March 8, 2009

Fill up the ark: Week 2

OK, here we are with suggestions for week 2 of the Heifer International Project, An Ark for Today's World.

Week 2
"The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it, the world, and all who live in it." - Psalm 24:1

Sunday: Protecting Nature
Heifer International stresses the need to protect our planet. We strongly support "buffer zones" around rain forests and other tropical areas; our programs teach farmers to raise animals and grow trees and grasses. This training helps ensure that people do not disturb the protected forests, home to precious water supplies and many endangered species. Add your own ark contribution today.

Monday: Bulls
Ecologically-sound farming practices are being taught in the U.S., where families are enjoying thenutritiona and economic benefits of heifers and bulls. Seeing eye-to-eye? Add a nickel for every argument you've had this week.

Tuesday: Rabbits
Rabbits are a good choice for families with small amounts of land. Rabbits can live in small, confined areas and eat available grass. And they can be moved in a basket if necessary. What's up doc? Give a nickel for each carrot in your refrigerator.

Wednesday: Fish
In the Phillippines, fresh fish were scarce but there was plenty of water. AFter receiving fish fingerlings supplied by Heifer, women built a pond and filled it with tilapia fish. Now everyone is eating well and all share inthe fishy harvest. Are you a swimmer? Add 20 cents if you can swim. Add 25 cents if you can't.

Thursday: Fertilizer
Purely organic, manure improves the soil and can dramatically inrease a family's garden production. Compost made from manure holds moisture and prevents erosion. Do you compost? Add 10 cents if you do; 25 cents if you don't.

Friday: Bison
Enormous herds of bison once roamed the plains of North America. Today, many farmers keep domesticated bison, alson known as buffalo, for their high-quality, tasty meat. Have you ever eaten a buffalo burger? If so, give 15 cents. If not, give 10 cents.

Saturday: Guinea Pig
In Bolivia, guinea pigs provide an easy-to-manage protein source and a source of income. This animal is enabling many families to become self-supporting in this South American nation. Animals are valued in every land. Add 25 cents for every pet you have. If you only have stuffed animals, add 10 cents for every animal.

Fill up the ark... Yay!!!

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