Last Thursday, I went with a few friends to see and hear Ladysmith Black Mambazo at UCB's Zellerbach Hall. They were phenomenal. Great harmonies, fun, creative, beautiful... They are amazing musicians.
Go here to read their biography. Brief info on the group:
Ladysmith Black Mambazo represents the traditional culture of South Africa and is regarded as the country's cultural emissary at home and around the world. In 1993, at Nelson Mandela's request, Ladysmith Black Mambazo accompanied the future President to the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo, Norway. Mambazo sang again at President Mandela's inauguration in May of 1994. They are a national treasure of the new South Africa in part because they embody the traditions suppressed in the old South Africa.
The traditional music sung by Ladysmith Black Mambazo is called ISICATHAMIYA (Is-Cot-A-Me-Ya). It was born in the mines of South Africa. Black workers were taken by rail to work far away from their homes and their families. Poorly housed and paid worse, they would entertain themselves, after a six-day week, by singing songs into the wee hours every Sunday morning. Cothoza Mfana they called themselves, "tip toe guys", referring to the dance steps choreographed so as to not disturb the camp security guards. When miners returned to the homelands, the tradition returned with them. There began a fierce, but social, competition held regularly and a highlight of everyone's social calendar. The winners were awarded a goat for their efforts and, of course, the adoration of their fans. These competitions are held even today in YMCA assembly halls and church basements throughout Zululand South Africa.
Throughout the first portion of the performance, I kept wanting to listen carefully to distinguish the different harmonies, but I learned it was just more enjoyable to close my eyes and listen to the beautiful notes drifting up from the eight microphones and enveloping us in a capella melodies...
At one point, the entire auditorium joined in song with the group. For the finale, the group invited members from the audience to go on stage to dance with them. It was absolutely amazing. Go here to see if their tour will bring them to your neck of the woods...
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