June 25, 2009

Minutes: An Accounting of the Day's

Meeting: of minds, in real time, in Second Life, to discuss (usually)
a predetermined topic, or community event planning,
to come together, or assemble, for a common purpose, to worship
as an organizational unit, ad-hoc, a society,
typically between a manager and subordinates, a chair
and a board, colleagues gathered round
conference tables in meeting rooms
the size of pinheads taking stock of investments (of time &
energy), capital gains, accruals, endowments restrictions, reductions,
bringing down to a set of elements vital to sustaining
any body:

Every milli-second, minute traces of the soul seep
from gray building to gray building, tapping from window to window
looking for that ribbon on which the day's hours have been
transcribed. This is not a prayer meeting, but here
the soul mourns for what escaped between the readings,
between commentaries stricken from the record,
leaving actionable items -- Moved,
Seconded, Resolved.

- 2/16/09 HT


Janet Salsman said...

Still love this. Good work!

learned ignorance said...

beautiful, HAT.