July 7, 2010

Road to Saint Louis

We drove back to STL from GR today (from visiting Ba Me this past weekend on occasion of July 4th), and from I-55 southbound, I snapped some of the following out-the-window shots a Canon point-and-shoot. The sky was beautiful -- right before we dashed headlights-first into two huge, ginormous rainstorms. [There are two shots that I really love and hope you can spot them in the slideshow.]

I didn't think much of these when I was sitting in the car (in the passenger's seat, not driving, thank you) looking out the window. But as I continue to look at these pictures, I see something special about them, and they speak to me about my continued reflection over my recent decision to head out to Saint Louis: I love the ones with gray and blue clouds covering the sun, the ones with small rays of light breaking through, the blurry landscapes mis-shapened and unidentifiable by the blinding rain, the small and picturesque farm houses that jut up from lush green corn fields, and the one shot of the tiny, lonely, empty winding road beneath rain-heavy clouds... Imagine the words that you would hear if these photographs could speak!!

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