August 24, 2010

Framing for Change: Creating Memes and Stories that Matter by Doyle Canning and Patrick Reinsborough of smartMeme

Framing for Change: Creating Memes and Stories that Matter by Doyle Canning and Patrick Reinsborough of smartMeme

An excerpt from the article:

"Collective, cultural stories are embedded with powerful frames that define cultural norms and shape common perceptions of what’s possible. The mythologies and memes of Plymouth Rock, Manifest Destiny, 40 Acres and a Mule, and the American Dream are the narratives of the past—but they continue to haunt our political discourse today. When we are working to change the dominant stories about racism, immigration, war, and protecting the planet, these narratives are already in peoples’ minds, acting as filters to social change messages, and often limiting a collective sense of possibility..."

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