May 8, 2007

Supernova explosion and mission to Mars

A graduate student from Texas recently discovered that a supernova 44 trillion miles away from Earth might possibly explode within 50,000 years. If we are still alive on planet earth when it does, only folks in the southern hemisphere (the current one) will be able to see the explosion.

Reading this news, and then reading about the ongoing research into the potential 3-year missions to Mars, makes me believe even harder in the human spirit. No matter how skeptical I am about our intelligence, no matter how fearful and wary I feel about our hubris and our fallacies, I am still amazed by the depth of our abilities, our genius -- whatever it is that was instilled within us during our creation.

When JFK talked about landing on the moon, did he imagine that one day we would be planning trips to Mars?

That little spark, that internal motivation that inspired the graduate student to research and explore and eventually discover this supernova -- perhaps I too could discover that little spark.

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