July 8, 2007

Gabbin' Guys and Gals

It appears that both genders talk an awful lot.

This article explains what was printed in the article in Science magazine:

The researchers placed microphones on 396 college students for periods ranging from two to 10 days, sampled their conversations and calculated how many words they used in the course of a day.

The score: Women, 16,215. Men, 15,669.

The difference: 546 words: "Not statistically significant," say the researchers.

"What's a 500-word difference, compared with the 45,000-word difference between the most and the least talkative persons" in the study, said Mehl. He said the least talkative person in the study — a male — used just over 500 words a day, while another male topped that by more than 45,000.

Aha! The most talkative and least talkative person was MALE. Surprise, surprise.

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