January 22, 2009

2009 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Day 5

Christians face to face with discrimination and social prejudice

On Day 5 we pray for the cessation of prejudice and discrimination that mark our societies today. As we recognize that our dignity comes from God, our unity as Christians witnesses to the unity of the one who creates each of us as a unique being of God’s love. The kingdom that we are called to build up is one of justice and love that respects difference because in Christ we are all one.


Isaiah 58:6-12, Do not hide yourself from your own kin.
Psalm 133, How good it is when kindred live in unity.
Galatians 3:26-29, You are all one in Christ Jesus.
Luke 18:9-14, To some who trusted in their own righteousness.


In the beginning, human beings created in the image of God were but one in his hand. Sin, however, entered the hearts of men and women and since then we have built up all kinds of prejudice. In his earthly ministry, Jesus showed himself to be particularly sensitive regarding the common humanity of all men and women. He continually denounced discrimination of all sorts and the pride which some of his contemporaries derived from it.

Psalm 133 compares the joy of a life shared with sisters and brothers to the goodness of a precious oil or the dew of Hermon. We are given to taste this joy with our sisters and brothers, each time we let go of our confessional prejudices within our ecumenical gatherings.

The restoration of the unity of all humankind is the common mission of all Christians. Together they must struggle against all discrimination. It is also their common hope because all are one in Christ and there is no longer Jew or Greek, slave or free, man or woman.


Lord help us to recognize the discrimination and exclusion which damage societies. Direct our gaze and help us to recognize our own prejudices. Teach us to banish all contempt and to taste the joy of living together in unity. Amen.

Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute

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