January 1, 2009

Lost 3 Cups of Tea

Two things for my first day in 2009.

#1: In my anxious anticipation of getting off the plane at SFO, I left behind my copy of 3 Cups of Tea. I'm so bummed! I had promised two people they could read it after me, and now I don't even have my own copy. I hope whoever finds it will be able to enjoy the book, then pass it on to someone else.

#2: Check out this fantastic video:

One year in 40 seconds from Eirik Solheim on Vimeo.

1 comment:

penelope said...

Sorry you lost your book! I always feel extra-suspicious of little things going wrong on New Year's Day, like it's somehow an omen for the rest of the year. Even though it probably isn't... right?

Happy New Year! And thank you for the Christmas card. Next year I won't be such a slacker with my own mailings. :)