April 27, 2007

ISFJ: Mother Teresa and George HW Bush?!

A few days ago, my sister told me about taking the HumanMetrics Jung Typology Test. I hemmed and hawed and put it off, thinking that I'd already taken the Myers-Briggs and have always been correctly pegged (or so I thought) as INFJ. Besides, I didn't want to take another lengthy exam, agonizing over each answer. However, the exam was a very quick 72 questions and the profiles they provided was dead-on. Marina Heiss's profile of ISFJs is so accurate that I am a bit scared someone who knows nothing about me knows so much about me. The profile even describes in detail exactly what I am -- down to the spotless office desk. Keirsey's Portrait of the Protector Guardian is equally scary. Most interesting was the discovery that Mother Teresa and George HW Bush were also described as Protector Guardians. Scary.

The following folks share the ISFJ profile:
+Louisa May Alcott
+Alfred, Lord Tennyson
+Queen Elizabeth II of England
+Robert E. Lee
+Queen Mary I ("Bloody Mary") of England

+Bianca in Taming of the Shrew
+David Copperfield
+Hero in Much Ado About Nothing
+Melanie in Gone With The Wind
+Ophelia in Hamlet
+Dr. John H. Watson, M.D. (Sherlock Holmes' faithful sidekick)

+William Howard Taft
+Johnny Carson, comedian
+Jerry Seinfeld
+Kristi Yamaguchi, US Olympic figure skater
+Ed Bradley, journalist

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Jerry Seinfeld and Dr. Watson both? Bloody Mary and Louisa May Alcott? Ophelia and Johnny Carson? How strange is that? Now that I've revealed myself as an ISFJ (as if you didn't know), you know all my flaws and weaknesses (except for a few minor ones). Be kind. Please?


Anonymous said...

I found you Miss T, but by accident via another blog. I am a INFP--freakish.

Your Pal,


hat said...

Is this really you, DD? So glad to see your footprints here at nothing but! Aren't those profiles uncannily accurate? You are named among a list of greats: Homer, Virgil, JFK, Jr., Dick Clark, ET!! Wow...