October 27, 2007

Our brightest moment

During the weather segment, the meteorologist announces that tonight's moon is the brightest moon all year. It is the roundest, the fullest, arguably the most perfect moon out of the 365 nights of the year 2007. Even though it's only October 26th and we have November days and December days remaining in the year, we can say rather definitively that tonight's moon is the best (relative term?) of the bunch. If we hung all 365 moons in a gallery and had to rate them from best to worst, would tonight's moon win? Would it be the finest, primo? Can we already dismiss with some certainty the moon which will make its appearance on Nov. 30th? Can we already say that all other moons will pale in comparison to this night's moon?

Could we say the same for each moment in life? Could we say that this moment, when the fires in southern California are ravaging the lands and lives of Californians, could we say this is our finest, brightest moment?

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