September 22, 2008

Global Poverty & Presidential Candidates

I'm tired of hearing inconsequential criticisms of and by various candidates. What I need to know is what our nation's future leader will do to address concerns about global poverty and many other issues of MDGs.

Only two questions about global poverty have been asked in the history of modern presidential debates.

It's a shocking figure and in 2008, we need debate moderator Jim Lehrer to ask John McCain and Barack Obama "Just ONE question" on their plans to fight global poverty.

I just signed the petition (to get Jim Lehrer to ask the Prez Candidates about what they'll do to end global poverty) by ONE Campaign and you can too, here.

"2008 marks the halfway point to the Millennium Development Goals, or MDGs, set in 2000, to halve extreme poverty and global disease by the year 2015. The next U.S. president will take office at a key moment in our struggle to transform those commitments on paper into reality on the ground for some of the world’s most vulnerable people. The actions of the next president could be the difference between success and failure, and Americans need to know where John McCain and Barack Obama stand. Let’s make sure they answer “Just ONE Question” on global poverty at this critical moment in our efforts to end it." (from Josh Peck of ONE campaign)

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