December 30, 2006

0.7%: What HAT can do

I've looked at the list of "What You Can Do" to support the Millennium Project. Beyond the 0.7%, beyond the letter to my congresswoman, I think I have something better... and it involves you.

Option 1: Urge our government leaders to remain steadfast in this commitment. Hahaha. Sure, I'll write to The Governataur and see what happens. Or, let's write to W. instead.

Option 2: Organize a fundraiser. Not quite ready yet, but I'm thinking on it since I have friends in high places.

Option 3: Be informed and inform others: ok, this I can handle. You'll notice that I've put a virtual "wristband" on my blog (left corner) for the One Campaign of the Episcopal church. There's also a banner for the 2015 promise. Please put one on yours. Especially those of you who are extremely popular and are close to world domination (ahem, ahem, no names mentioned but you know who you are). If you've got passersby reading your blogs, please, it's the least we can do to inform everyone. Check out the other projects that are happening in the Campaign.

Oh, you can also buy an environmentally safe and recyclable wristband. It doesn't look very fashionable, I know. But it makes a statement. A very appropriate one.

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