May 24, 2010

Mads in a Mad, Mad, Mad World!

Welcome to the world, little Maddie! At three-weeks-old, you have already stolen the hearts of everyone near and far, including mine, your long-distance godmother. I have only met you through photos, but you have taken my breath away. Every little feature -- each finger and toe, both eyebrows, that little nose, all that hair and those gorgeous, dark eyes -- is a testament of your preciousness and fragility.

Little one, your are our MDT, our own little princess entered into this world to bring us joy, laughter, and not just a few tears. Know that from the moment we learned of your life, we cherished you and eagerly anticipated your arrival. Now that you are here, we rejoice and celebrate all that you are, even at 3 weeks, and eagerly wait, full of expectations and hopes, for what you will become.

There is so much to share with you, so know that there is a whole community -- in fact, multiple communities -- ready to show you the wonders of the world our God has created. You will be truly amazed!

Regardless of what happens and no matter how you feel on any given day, here are three important things to remember:

1. You are a beloved child of God, and are an important member of God's family.
2. You are loved unconditionally by your parents, family members, and guardians (me!!).
3. You already carry all the strength, courage, wisdom, beauty, and goodness needed to live and thrive in this world.

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