May 5, 2010

A New Earth

This past Sunday, we read in Revelations 21 the vision, as recorded by John, of "a new heaven and a new earth". Using this text, the pastor at Grace UMC began his sermon by speaking about the World Fair which opened on May 1st in Shanghai, and compared it to the World's Fair that was held in St. Louis in 1904.

Whether it be 1904 or 2010, the World Fair is designed to bring the world, all the new technology of the world, right to the ends of our fingertips -- across the street, down the block. The newest technologies, the most radical inventions, the most impressive signs and symbols of progress and change -- all brought together in one place.

And whether it be 1904 or 2010, despite all the technology and progress, despite all the new inventions and machinery, there is still poverty, sickness, and disease. There is still hunger and famine, death and terror.

So, despite each year's showy displays of progress and change, we are still facing the same problems that we faced hundreds of years ago. And perhaps the problems we face now are even worse than before...

The preacher ended his sermon with a rousing call for us to build a new kingdom. But I left feeling unsatisfied.

How, then, do we build for a new world? How do we as individual Christians and as faithful communities work together to bring forth the Kingdom of God? How do we affect change? How can we be/bring the change we wish to see in this world?

John's revelations says that the first earth and the first heaven will be disappeared, be things of the past, and that "there will be no more death, crying, suffering, or pain". Despite all the new technologies that we humans have created, there is still suffering and pain, such as the recent BP oil spill in the Gulf, or the bomb scare in New York city, or the killings in Mexico, or the earthquakes in Haiti, and the flooding in Mississippi, or... oh, so many tragedies!

How DO we build a new world, a new earth and a new kingdom? How can we be witnesses of God's love, grace and mercy? How do we work as a faith community to heal the world in which we live?

Here are some examples:

  1. Right here in St. Louis, several thousand people gathered at an immigration rally hosted by the United Methodist Women to speak for immigrant, civil, and human rights, for  justice, equality, unity. All those who gathered raised their voices demanding fair and equal treatment of all persons by our government, all governments, regardless of race or country of origin. 
  2. The youth group of Grace UMC which I have been visiting for the last few weeks has raised enough money to sponsor a little child in the Phillipines, to help her with schooling. 
  3. At my old home church in Oakland, there is a vision of building a new orphanage in Kumi, Uganda. A group of dedicated believers hosted a benefit dinner last week and raised several thousand dollars to contribute to the construction. Check out the blog
  4. This Saturday, May 8th, is the day of the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive organized by the National Association of Letter Carriers. All we have to do is put non-perishable food items in a bag and place it by our mailbox. Our letter carrier will pick it up and deliver it to a local food bank or pantry. 

There are a million other things we can do to bring about change. Instead of just generalizing that we can bring about change, we need to take serious action.

What is happening in your hometown or city that will affect positive change? Name them, acknowledge them, and encourage one another to do more. What are YOU doing to help build the Kingdom?

[Source for photo of rally]

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